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My motivation for creating this web site was to pay tribute to the inventor of the Select-o-matic mechanism, Edward F. Andrews. While the completed product was certainly the achievement of not only Mr. Andrews but also the talented staff of Seeburg engineers, led by chief engineer Mahlon W. Kenney, it was Andrews' vertical play automatic phonograph that served as the start of it all …
I was able to secure information about Mr. Andrews from the fine people at The Chicago Community Trust and Affiliates.
The Select-o-matic is cited on page 2 of this pdf file.
Accompanying the pdf file was the following summary from The Chicago Community Trust:
"Thank you for your inquiry. The E. F. Andrews Fund was established at The Chicago Community Trust in 1976 with a gift of $581,469.19 after Mr. Andrews’ family decided to terminate the family foundation, The E. F. Andrews Foundation.
Thanks to Mr. Andrews' kindness, over $4 million has been granted to Chicago-area non-profit organizations since his fund was established at the Trust."
Patented Jan. 8, 1952
Application Filed February 8, 1949
18 Claims
Patented Aug. 23, 1949
Application Filed February 11, 1942
7 Claims
Although the Sequence of Operations of the 78 RPM Library Unit and the M100A marked the debut of the Select-O-Matic, the 45 RPM Sequence was described in May, 1942!
Patented Jan. 11, 1949
Application Filed May 4, 1942
28 Claims
US2458496 (pdf)